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The Physiotherapy Lounge

Toning tables are a stress free form of exercise in which participants perform multiple exercises designed to re-engineer the body's posture, thus relieving stress on joints and muscles, Relax over-used muscles and stimulate under-used muscles by equally exercising deeply positioned postural control muscles. whilst toning the outer muscles, tightening the stomach and shoulder muscles to re-align the rib cage, pelvis and shoulders, giving the body improved form and shape


In developing toning tables... physiology, anatomy and movement patterns of the body have been studied to develop what is termed 'Induced Rhythmic Motion' (IRM) exercises... a low stress form of exercise that can be performed by those who find normal exercise, or even walking difficult.

Regular use can stimulate increased blood and lymph circulation. it is believed that improved lymphatic circulation can help to carry toxins away from the cells and into the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes filter out these toxins, and then allow them to leave the body via the kidneys.



Exercise and mobility

The operating principle of toning tables is a combination of physical therapy and isometric exercise movements that train the muscles in the body.


Toning Tables instigate recurring movement which drives different parts of the body making the muscles contract and causing the joints to work.


All exercises are carried out in a sitting or lying position supported by the fixed bed of the table... allowing you lay back and enjoy the physical benefits through passive exercise.




Health benefits

Toning Tables do provide numerous medical benefits such as...


increased bone density, increased strength and mobility, , improved posture and muscle tone, improved blood circulation, improve digestive transit, improved pregnancy health, as well as help relieve stress and tension.


Exercising on the toning tables contributes to the restoration of motor functions, strengthens muscles.





Pain relief

Toning tables allow you to rebuild muscle strength and improve mobility and flexibility,

Particularly beneficial for people suffering with Back problems, Arthritis, Rheumatism, and Multiple Sclerosis.


The stress-free movements help reduce pain and swelling in the joints.

The gentle massage action that the table provides also relaxes the body, enabling the muscles to move more freely.


allowing you to enjoy life with more energy



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